The past couple weeks in Kirishima 霧島 have been crazy awesome gong show of elementary fun! That's right. I've had nothing but elementary schools. Japanese kids are some of the cutest I've ever seen. I had plenty of practice using my Japanese at these schools because none of the teachers really knew any English. I also got the hang of doing my self-introduction 自己紹介 (jikoushokai) half in English and half in Japanese. I'm also playing futsol once a week in Kokubu, with almost all men, and now that my Japanese is getting better, and I'm starting to understand a lot more, I've been able to talk a bit with the guys. I found out that all of the ones on my team that night were foresters, one lives in Kokubu, and I told them that I was an English teacher teaching at 18 schools in northern Kirishima, and that I lived in Makizono.
Now that I apparently am learning more Japanese, sometimes my instant reaction to a circumstance comes out in Japanese instead of English. For example, a couple weeks ago, I was driving using my GPS and I ended up on some road I didn't know. I blurted out 何だ!(nan da!) which means "What?!" in English. Sometimes a small phrase such as "doko da" (where is this place <--rough translation) or Soo desu ka? ("Oh really?") will come out instead of its English equivalent.
So I can safely say that "I think I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turning Japanese, I really think soooooo!"